Our class HOME page

Week At A Glance

September 23-27, 2024


This week we will begin introducing letter sounds. Our new reading program starts by focusing on letter sounds first, and then adds letter names later. We are also learning about stories and the parts of stories.

A note about reflections went home today. This is an art contest that your child can participate in, but needs to be done at home. Let me know if you have any questions. Everyone who participates gets to go to an ice cream party! Also, watch for an email today about helping with our class parties and activities. There is also a sheet in folders today from Mrs. Voss our speech teacher. She comes in a few times a month to teach story champs. Your child should be able to tell you the story in the pictures, but you do not need to return the paper.

Remember to keep reading! Our reading goal is to read to and with your student for 20 minutes a day. A reading book will start coming home tomorrow in your child's folder each night. Read it and put it back and they will get to choose another one when they bring the first one back. Write the minutes down on the reading calendar and return them at the end of the month for a prize.

Part of our core includes learning their address and phone number. This is difficult to teach at school. Please help your child practice their address and phone number. When you feel like they know it, send me a note in their folder or an email. They will get a prize for knowing their phone number, and when they know their address I will send a letter to them in the mail.

Please label lunch boxes, backpacks, jackets and other items with at least the student's last name. This will help us to make sure that we get everything back to the proper place. 

      If you have any questions you can send a note in your child’s folder, or call me at school.  Email is a great way to reach me too.  My email address is angela.eckhardt@nebo.edu THANK YOU!